Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dry Bones

have not been updating the blog lately. might start using it as a photo documentation / video place / multi-media type the. LAKE MEADIA. Yes, here in the desert we have lake mead and it is very dry and sad lately.  60 ft. lower than usual.

went to go see the hoover dam it was fun but sad - for several of the generators powed by the dam can not run since the water is so low.  cool place indeed though. there are things called sink holes there that are insane.

LAKE MEAD (lake media) was sure beautiful this night.  these photos were taken the last full moon of 2013 on the edge of the Valley of Fire in Nevada.
Beautiful and Dry as a Bone.
here in the desert the drought is expansive and no joke. recently heard california is in the largest drought in + 100 years.

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