Dear Diary, I went out ‘moreling’ the morning of May 3rd, 2012 near Kalamazoo, Michigan. This year I have noticed morels frequenting hills near lakes. Out onto some secluded forested property near an old crab apple stand, I hunted for about an hour. Eleven morels surfaced into my gaze. These are photos of the first nine I found.
Then I had to leave MOREL TREE FOREST LAND for the daunting city of CHICAGO. Got lost on the south side of Chicago with some hudlems that were to cool for school.
Monkey-face bugs and salmon colored grasshoppers in the Field Museum display cases.
Leaving the pristine dark forest for the bright
lights of Chicago, I only saw traces of fungi (fake fungi) in the Field Museum's Underground Adventure. Man, I heavily checked out that shizzie. Always chillin loner-museum style. Always chillin loner-garden style too, I became friends with this bird in this fancy garden by Millenium Park. Birds are Raptures, and they are super chill in cities, although I heard they have problems crashing into windows, like super clean windows. My mom has super big clean windows in Utah and once I saw a quail crash into it over breakfast. My step sister tried to CPR it, no luck. Still haunts me. Anyway, I highly suggest trotting to museums alone, at least try it. It's cool to tell your family you have to leave them to go to a science exhibit alone.
As Always
More Mushrooms soon.
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